Would you like to crank your holiday up a gear? Well choose Hotel Paradiso, a genuine bike hotel in Livigno, that offers services for cyclists, special agreements with the Mottolino Bike Park, Flow Country Carosella 3000 and with bike shops in the area.
When technology, science, passion and sport come together, unique products are born, destined to mark an epoch.
This is the case of MYCYCLING ™ by Technogym, that we show you in preview and proudly at the Bike Hotel Paradiso, the first bike hotels in Italy to offer this opportunity.
It is an integrated training system dedicated to cyclists. Sophisticated sensors allow to evaluate the symmetry of the pedaling, to define the anaerobic threshold and to elevate the level of training the best power, remaining in contact with a coach of the team that remotely follow you.
The system Technogym Neuromuscular Training ™ allows you to calculate your level of anaerobic threshold and to define 18 weeks of training, divided into three blocks of six weeks each: construction, development and refinement.
Thanks to weekly training sessions between 40 and 70 minutes, you can train both slow muscle fibers, both those fast, perfecting your bike workout.
We also provide – accompanied by our mountain bike guides – a fantastic week programme suitable for all mountain bike enthusiasts, with various experience levels.
Whether you have chosen to indulge in bicycle tourism in Livigno, along the many routes available – including the famous Notturnissima that goes towards the Laghi di Carcano – or whether you have chosen this area due to intensity it provides for training sessions, you can always take advantage of our amenities, given that we are a member of the Italy Bike Hotels group.
Have you seen all the advantages you get by experiencing Livigno on a mountain bike? Well let yourself be led by the many cycling offers here at Hotel Paradiso!
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Ragione Sociale: Hotel Paradiso S.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Freita, 1709 - I 23041 LIVIGNO (SO)
N. Iscr. Reg. Imprese: 92003660146 di Sondrio
C.F: 92003660146
REA: SO-39274
Capitale Sociale: € 51.480,00
PEC: hparadiso@pec.it
CIR: 014037-ALB-00080